Japanese Cosmetic Acupuncture 日本针灸小颜术

(Seas 小颜)Japanese cosmetic Acupuncture is a non-invasive natural spa-like approach to skin care.

It includes modalities of acupuncture, massage, facial gua sha, cupping and other therapies;

Sears 小颜,FROM Tokyo, Japan

There are three main mechanisms of action of cosmetic acupuncture, the stimulation of the traditional acupoints, the acupuncture on the muscle layers, and the healing effect on skin cells;

The stimulation of the traditional acupoints is the treatment base on the traditional Chinese medicine theory. By analyzing the overall health status and understanding the constitution of the customer, and then making a customized 1-on-1 treatment plan. we help customers improve their overall health and achieve internal and external beauty;

At the muscle and skin level, it relaxes stiff muscles, and stimulates collagen regeneration creating a firming effect; At the same time, it accelerates local blood circulation and improves skin metabolism which improves overall complexion and moisture;

The healing effect on skin cells, Acupuncture creates micro-trauma on the skin’s surface to activate a self-healing response, which increases circulation, elastin and collagen production.

Japanese cosmetic Acupuncture can achieve the following effects:

Adjust facial symmetry and flatness, small face slimming; Reduce fine lines, acne scars and depression by promoting the production of collagen and elastin in the skin; Reduce inflammation, reduce acne and the production of pigmentation; Improve blood circulation and lymphatic circulation, thereby reducing facial puffiness; Improve the double chin, jaw and sagging skin of the neck by tightening the subcutaneous muscle tissue;

Dr. Amber Dai had her Japanese Cosmetic acupuncture training through Dr. Hiroya(中村裕也). On the basis of Japanese cosmetic Acupuncture, Dr. Amber combines her many years of clinical experience in a top Chinese Medicine hospital in China and uses traditional acupuncture to adjust the balance of the body. Thus solving the problem fundamentally. Achieve both inside and outside, so that you can become beautiful from the inside out.

Dr. Amber uses the Japanese injection method and advocates painless injection. Compared to traditional Chinese acupuncture, the Japanese needle method allows you to feel almost no needle prick and will not feel any pain。

Benefit +, the Celluma Light Therapy

Celluma light therapy is a therapeutic treatment by using LED(Light Emitting Diode) low-energy devices such as the Celluma. Through adjusting the wavelength and action time, different functional light can be absorbed by photoreceptors – mitochondria in the cell skin. The light changes the skin cells’ model pathways and increases ATP, therefore improving metabolism and reducing inflammatory factors.

The red light (635 nm) can play an anti-inflammatory and analgesic role so that the tissue fluid on the surface of the wound stops flowing and accelerates wound healing.
Yellow light wavelength 590 nm, with a brightening effect, can fade freckles, and inhibit pigmentation. Blue light (415 nm) can be used to treat allergy symptoms, eliminate tissue congestion, and improve the lymphatic system. It has the effect of relaxing nerves and relieving pain.
Greenlight (560 nm) has a calming and soothing effect, and sensitive skin is suitable. Used to improve metabolic disorders caused by rough skin, wrinkles, blackheads, acne, fatigue, and anxiety.
Orange light (610 nm) promotes blood circulation and accelerates metabolism; Violet light (308 nm) stimulates the secretory system, and smooths lymph, is less effective than red light, but is able to repair skin, mucosal ulcers and acne.

Dr. Amber always combines acupuncture treatment and Celluma Light Therapy together so that we can achieve the twofold effect.

Common Questions about cosmetic acupuncture:

Is Japanese cosmetic acupuncture painful?

No. For decades, Japanese cosmetic acupuncture did lots of research and practice for reducing pain, by using micro needles and a specific insertion method. We also use arnica gel to make the service as comfortable and relaxed as possible;

What should I prepare for my first treatment? 

Please come with a clean and make-up-free face! We offer make-up wipes, but if you have sensitive skin or a preference for your own cleanser, please consider that before coming in. Moisturizers and pure oils are fine to use on the face before your appointment.

How long does it take to work?

 There are two ways in which the effects of cosmetic acupuncture appear, the “immediate effect”; which appears immediately after the treatment and the “after-effect” which appears after a certain period of time.

what is the  “immediate effect”

the “immediate effect” as the eyes look more bright, the focus adjustment function of the eyes is improved, and the field of view is open. You can feel the improvement in quality, the moisturization of the skin, and the feeling of smoothness these effects will subsidy;

what is  the “after-effect”

the “after-effect” is based on the theory that collagen takes 28 days to form, the majority of people saw improvements after just 4 to 5 sessions of treatment if they keep going with the treatment once a week. Usually, after having 3-6 months of treatment, we will get a satisfactory result depending on what we are working on. Then the “touch-up” treatment once per month would be recommended after the desired effects are achieved.

Who needs Japanese cosmetic acupuncture?

Any person who has concerns with their skin and wants to improve their general well-being is the ideal person for Japanese cosmetic acupuncture. Please note that people with a bleeding disorder, chronic migraines, have a pacemaker, Have a cold or flu, are pregnant, or who had cosmetic surgery in the last 6 months and/or the scars haven’t healed yet; who had cosmetic injectable fillers in the last 4 weeks; who had laser resurfacing in the last 3 weeks would not recommend for Japanese cosmetic acupuncture;